Monday, May 9

insomnia and maturity

Had a very nice time with my family yesterday; my mom, brother, his girlfriend and I spent almost 12 hours together and no fights! We spent most of the day talking about my future nephew, who will make his debut end of July. I bought him an adorable layet set complete with plush doggie and a denim outfit with a tough-looking jean jacket and matching hat.

My ex Winnie stopped by to wish my mother a Happy Mother's Day. I'm glad she's still part of the family.

Mom actually stayed over for two nights and nary a hostile exchange between us. I take this as an indication of maturity on both our parts.

I barely slept all weekend though - insomnia seems to have gotten the best of me. Hopefully this is a passing phase and I'll be back to my normal schedule soon.

I have a fun party to attend this evening. I may cut the night short though, as I'm feeling a bit ill - probably due to lack of sleep - but I don't want to get sick again like I was most of the Winter.

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