Wednesday, July 20

mich fest party this saturday

I actually can't make this party and I've never been to the Michigan Womyns Music Festival but I've heard great things about it over the years. Just passing along the info.

Michigan Womyns Music Festival Private Pre-Party.
with a special MichFest performance by Nedra Johnson and Liz Kelly (drummer for Bitch @ MichFest)

Saturday, July 23, 2005
8pm - 4am

249 4th Ave
Brooklyn, NY

August is getting closer every minute...
Win a ticket to Michigan! (over $350 value)

RSVP NOW to reserve your spot:

650 acres.
40 permormers.
Hundreds of workshops.
Over 140 craftswomen.
DART available *

Women only.

The womyn of Brooklyn, NY invite you to celebrate with us as we prepare for the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival! YES- women-only-and-no-men-in-site-for-1-week. August is right around the corner and we want to pre-game with you for the 30th anniversary (this one’s gonna be big!).

The MichFest Pre-Party will be on Saturday, July 23 at the hot new Women’s Bar/Club, Cattyshack in Brooklyn. Come pre-game with us, meet other Festie and non Festie womyn. $4 if you RSVP now and $5 at the door gets you a private dance floor, DJ, Outside Deck, the ladies of Michigan, and MichFest Drink Specials from 8pm-4am. Enter to win a Ticket to the festival!

Don’t know what MichFest is? Want to find out more? Stop by and talk
with a Festie non-virgin. She’ll tell you all about it. 21 and over, please!

RSVP NOW to reserve your spot:
Women only, please.

Party Info.:

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