Tuesday, August 9


With all the ATOMIC anniversary craziness, I almost forgot that today is the anniversary of this blog. I made my first post on August 9th of last year. It started out as a way to chronicle my trip to the Edinburgh Inernational Fringe Festival. Surprisingly, I've kept it up. I've been known to bail on such projects in the past. I posted to my LiveJournal account exactly twice like five years ago. I think the posts were about how tired I was. Recently, someone told me my account is still out there in the void, dormant.

After years of reading other people's journals and blogs, I finally decided to join the fray. Can't say my life has improved by leaps and bounds, but it's nice to have a little place to put my observations and complain about the annoying things. This blog gets 4 times as many hits as my website and I'm always amazed when I check my site meter account and see that people in places like Japan and Denmark have visited. I don't know anyone in Japan or Denmark so that's pretty cool.

It's still weird when friends and acquaintances come up to me and ask me about something I blogged about. I'm always like, "how did you know about that?" forgetting that people actually read what I post here.

I don't know if I'll be blogging forever or even for the long term, but for now, I'm still digging it.

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