Friday, February 24

PVC rocked the BKNY

If I do say so myself, last night's Poetry vs. Comedy Variety Show was one of the best performance evenings I've ever seen. I am biased of course, since it is my baby and a brand-new one at that but I think the audience really enjoyed themselves and all the performers made me so proud!

It's more nerve-racking for me to produce a show I'm not in than to actually perform myself. And I'm such an overbearing Italian mother about the whole thing. I ran around Galapagos the half hour before the show putting out candy, distributing drink tickets, introducing people by the wrong names and fretting about nothing in particular. Once the show started though, it was as smooth as a fountain of warm chocolate.

Carolyn was a FIERCE emcee from beginning to end, starting the evening with a new rap about PVC! This girl is going to have her own sit-com someday, I swear.

A quick rundown:

Jon Friedman kicked off the performances with his signature dead pan wit and hilarious observations. Too bad he never finished that joke about the vagina. Greg Walloch read from the Abercrombie & Fitch catalog, there's words in there you know. Desiree Burch mused on shaving down there. Hal Sirowitz regaled us with tales of ex-girlfriends and penis-naming. Janice Erlbaum brought us a found poem about the sluttiest woman in New Rochelle.

Drumroll: And the winner was Becky Yamamoto performing as PP Snatch, obnoxious teenage pop star extraordinaire! She even gave birth on stage in stilettos.

Even the judges were stars.

And hey, we were the Pick of the Day in The L Magazine! We'll probably do the next show in April and perhaps monthly after that.

Photo: Becky Yamamoto as PP Snatch

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