Wednesday, January 19


Had a really fun evening last night, thanks to the fabulous Felicia Sullivan. She runs the nonfiction reading series at KGBand put together a great night with writers Terry Iacuzzo and Dave Itzkoff. Afterwards we dashed off to a book party for Vestal McIntyre's new book at Participant Inc. We cabbed it over to Rivington from Second Ave. and 4th - not much of a journey but it was ABSOLUTELY FREEZING out.

By the time we got there, the food table had already been pillaged and apparently so had the wine. But cool people were in abundance. I got to meet Vestal and I can't wait to read his book. Also, ran into Aaron Hamburger, Alice Ayers and Mr. Murray Hill who is performing this Sunday at Fez. I'm gonna try to make it out to his show. He rocks and I haven't seen him in action in a while.

So, I had a great night and still was in bed by 11. Currently, I'm enjoying watching the snow fall outside my office window.

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