Monday, February 21

resolutions check...

Okay kids, we’ve got a lot to cover.

Yesterday, I spent most of the day at what I’ve come to call THE YUPPIE CAFÉ in Park Slope although most of the people there are not Yuppies at least not in the traditional Alex P. Keaton sense. Everyone is either a young mom nursing a baby, a Dansko-wearing Yoga-Mat carrying post-hippie or an aging hipster tapping away on the laptop (I am in this last category). So I just put on my headphones and went to work.

I think I’ve talked about this before, but I have a bit of the writer’s ADD. So, I worked on two stories simultaneously – and at some point I realized both are about exes. It’s like good ex, bad ex. Anyway, afterwards met up with the good ex for our Target date. I’ve been avoiding the Target on Atlantic Ave. for months now despite the bargains contained therein and now I know why; it’s like a suburban shopping mall but somehow even more annoying and fluorescent. W. bought some pet supplies. I bought a cat toy and some mint bubble bath packaged to look like Kiehl’s and we got the hell out of there. We rode the R as far as my stop and parted ways.

But I had further plans for the evening. So I went home, changed clothes and headed over to GirlyNyc's to watch the season premiere of THE L WORD, which was great on many levels but we all found ourselves wanting more hot lesbo sex on screen. At some point someone shouted "Somebody fuck somebody." Despite this, we all enjoyed ourselves and I was relieved to see Shane's hair is more wonderfully disastrous than ever. I have to say she may be the hottest character on the show this season. Last year I thought it was Marina, but apparently she tried to commit suicide and is convalescing in Italy. I hope she comes back.

After the screening, Girly, Nichelle and me headed over to a party on Ave. C where we donned "wife-beater" t-shirts which would be decorated with sharpies by our fellow partiers. Mine was adorned with a beautiful dragon encroaching upon my left breast, on the back someone else drew that ever elusive creature - "The Liger." There was so much funny smoke in the air, I think I got a little high off the fumes. I drank a lot of cranberry juice and talked to a bunch of cool people. There were a lot of top hats in the crowd. At some point a copy of Naughty Spanking Stories from A to Z got passed around. I started talking to this guy about the book and recommended he read my three favorite stories. I must have recommended them in a stern voice because he said something like, "what will you do if I don't read them?" "Oh, you'll see," I said then walked away, where I kept an eye on him to make sure he kept reading. When he was done he came up to me asking for more assignments. There was a brief encounter involving a wooden spoon.

Anyway to make a long story short, I was out until 3:30 a.m. and took a cab home in the lovely snow. I didn't leave alone. I was up until 6:30 a.m.

I thought it was an appropriate time in 2005 to revisit my New Year’s Resolutions and check on how I’m doing.

These were some my original resolutions:

3. Freelance writing

UPDATE: Will be sending a bunch of queries out this week, could have done more up to this point, but I’m on the case now.

7. Join Real Gym

UPDATE: Been going at a steady pace. Stopped going to Pilates at the fancy Pilates school since they offer the class at my new muscle man gym. Been lifting a lot of weights also, which has been doing wonders for my rack.

8. Learn how to say no

UPDATE: I said no to a few things last week. These were all things I would have liked to do and be a part of but doing them would have kept me from working on my own stuff or would have inconvenienced me in some way so I just said no. It felt good. In the past I would have gone out of my way to do everything, then felt frazzled and bitter and I just can’t do that anymore. Also, back in January, I said no to something I really DID NOT WANT TO DO and that felt totally awesome

10. It Would Be Nice to Have Sex Again


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