Sunday, June 5

link laden literary goodness

Been running around like a madwoman with Nathan the past few days. Lots of fun but tiring. Yesterday we bummed around Park Slope, shopped at Beacon's Closet where I picked up a pair of delightfully tacky leopard-print sandals and we ate at Daisey's.

We made it to the Truckazine where I got to see the always lovely Felicia Sullivan whom I am baking with next week and also met the editors of the awesome literary website Ballyhoo Stories with whom I have been corresponding through e-mail for the past few months. Then we headed over to the Publishing Triangle anniversary party where I volunteered checking people in for an hour. I got to see many old friends and made some new ones.

Also, finally got to meet Ian and Greg of Suspect Thoughts Press whom I have also been e-mailing with but never before met in person. They edited the awesome book I Do/I Don't: Queers on Marriage which won a Lammy on Thursday night.

Afterwards we headed to The Hat on Ludlow Street where Nathan downed a tasty margarita (they really are the best there) and I sipped on a Diet Coke as we looked through our Publishing Triangle gift bags.

I'm feeling pretty good this morning except for a giant blister on the bottom of my left foot. Damn platform sandals!!!

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