Saturday, July 22

all in one

Last night I had dinner with Alice who was in town for a few days. It was good to see her and got me excited about my pending trip to London. It will be good to get out of town, even if it is a few months away.

I've moved my entire business to my couch to be near the AC. This is where I've been sleeping, writing, reading, using the internets, eating and watching the Netflix - sometimes more than one of these at once. I just realized that, because of this arrangement, I'm now eating where I sleep. For a neat freak, this is a bit gross and I keep checking underneath me for crumbs.

I've been working most of the day on an outline and part of a chapter. Also, putting together a course description for a class I may teach and preparing my e-mail blast for next week. Just trying to focus on the positive and keep moving forward.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Yay! It was good to see you too!

And I've rarely been so glad to be home. What a stressful trip.